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Do You Ever Want to Talk to Me Again

Because I'm retired , I follow the form of English ( my native language is Dutch).
For homework, nosotros must to correct a lot of sentences. For example:

correction ?

1 What you lot want drink?What do you desire to drink?
2 I have a Coke, please.Can I take a Coke, delight?
3 i tin't to help you lot.I can't aid you.
4 It'south starting rain.It'south starting to rain.
five I'g looking forward to see y'all again soon. Ilook forwards to see you once more soon.
half dozen I remember to change my job soon.I'thousand thinking to modify my task shortly.
7 Phone me this evening. I give y'all my phone number. Phone metonight. I'll give you my telephone number.
eight I meet the md tomorrow well-nigh my back. I'mseeing the medico tomorrow about my back. Or: I'm going to see the doctor
tomorrow about my back.
Thank you veru much. Ropa, Belgium.

"rpaeps" (Email Removed) a écrit dans le message de

Hullo, Because I'm retired , I follow the course of English ( my native languageis Dutch). For homework, we must ... most my dorsum. Or: I'm going to run into the doctor tomorrow about my back. Thank you veru much. Ropa, Belgium.

English is not my mother natural language so I might have made mistakes.

audrey typed thus:

ane What you want drink? What do you lot want to potable?


2 I have a Coke, please. Can I have a Coke, please?

Nothing wrong with this in vernacular English, although you should perhaps know that strictly, "tin" is used to ask nigh whether something is possible. You should really say "May I have a Coke, please?"

I'll accept a Coke, delight.

This is OK, but only every bit a answer to the previous question, or "What would you like?" Otherwise, on its own it is a little abrupt.

3 i tin can't to help you lot. I can't assistance y'all.


iv It's starting rain. It's starting to rain.


5 I'thousand looking frontward to see yous again presently. I look forward to come across you again before long.

No - you need "seeing".

I'm looking forward to seeing yous over again soon.

This is OK.

6 I retrieve to change my chore presently. I'm thinking to modify my chore soon.

This one doesn't fit with the rest - information technology should be: I'm thinking of changing my chore soon.

7 Telephone me tonight. I give you my telephone number. Telephone me tonight. I'll give yous my telephone number.


I am giving you my telephone number. (I'm non completely sure but y'all can't use "will" there)

Yep, you tin utilise "volition". This version is wrong - it says that I am giving you my number now.

8 I run across the physician tomorrow about my back. I'm ... I'm going to see the doctor tomorrow about my back.

Both OK.


supercede the commencement component of address
with the definite article.

I cheers very much, Ropa.
"the Omrud" (Electronic mail Removed) schreef in bericht

rpaeps typed thus:

I thank you very much, Ropa.

I forgot: Your introduction is incorrect.

Hello, Because I'thou retired , I follow the class of English ( my native language is Dutch).

I am following an English course.

For homework, we must to correct a lot of sentences. For example:

We must correct a lot of sentences
We have to correct a lot of sentences.

supervene upon the start component of accost
with the definite article.

Because I'thousand retired , I follow the course of English ( my native language is Dutch). For homework, we must to right a lot of sentences. For example: wrong correction ? one What you want drink? What do you want to drink?


2 I have a Coke, please. Can I accept a Coke, please?

That's fine, but "I'll have a Coke, please" would as well exist correct and would be closer to the original.

3 one tin can't to assistance you. I can't help you.


4 It's starting pelting. Information technology's starting to pelting.


five I'm looking forward to run into you over again soon. I look frontwards to see y'all again before long.

No. Either version would exist correct if "see" was replaced by "seeing".

6 I think to change my job soon. I'm thinking to alter my chore soon.

"I'm thinking of irresolute my job shortly."

7 Phone me tonight. I give you lot my phone number. Phone me tonight. I'll give you my telephone number.


eight I meet the doctor tomorrow about my dorsum. I'grand seeing the doctor tomorrow about my back. Or: I'm going to see the doctor tomorrow well-nigh my back.

Yep, both of your suggested corrections are fine.

John Hall
Johnson: "Well, nosotros had a good talk."
Boswell: "Yeah, Sir, you tossed and gored several persons." Dr Samuel Johnson (1709-84); James Boswell (1740-95)

Considering I'm retired , I follow the course of English ... What you want drinkable? What practise you want to potable?


I realise that that is open to misinterpretation. By "yes", I meant "yes, information technology's correct".

John Hall
Johnson: "Well, nosotros had a good talk."
Boswell: "Yes, Sir, you tossed and gored several persons." Dr Samuel Johnson (1709-84); James Boswell (1740-95)

At 18:48:48 on Mon, 13 Dec 2004, rpaeps (E-mail Removed) wrote in (Email Removed):

I thank yous very much, Ropa.

If you want to show your gratitude (and, past the way, thank you for posting your suggested answers to the questions, rather than just asking what they should be), may I inquire you in futurity to put your respond afterward the quoted text, and snip out what isn't relevant in the quote, the way I have done in this post? It's the way information technology's usually washed in great britain.* newsgroups, and is generally considered more polite.
Molly Mockford
I think I've been too long on my own, simply the little greenish goblin that lives under the sink says I'yard OK - and he'due south never wrong, so I must exist! (My Reply-To accost *is* valid, though may non remain and so for ever.)

Molly Mockford typed thus:

I thank yous very much, Ropa.

If you want to show your gratitude (and, by the way, thank you for posting your suggested answers to the questions, rather than just asking what they should be

I will add that information technology was the attempt to answer the questions before request for aid which prompted me to assist.

supercede the first component of address
with the definite article.

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Do You Ever Want to Talk to Me Again
