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>adjacent manufactures
June 13, 2019 - Throwback Thursday

A conversation on the Homeshow channel reminded me of this today, so since Throwback Thursday is a "thing" on parts of the internet, I give you the rather dusty sometime pics of the Straightjacket of Tradeskilling (taken long before the sites turned much of my hair grey, and the methotrexate caused me to lose a lot of information technology).

Created By: Niami Denmother

This is merely a reminder that the 2nd annual Oceansfull Festival begins in a few short hours and runs through the end of the 18th (Pacific fourth dimension). If you lot want a closer look at some of the firm items pictured in the above preview article, Ocarinah has put together a total preview video of the items. For those who want their eye-candy without all the explanations, she too made a shorter, soundless version. Thanks much!

Created By: Niami Denmother

I am stalling on the long, detailed video of all the new Oceansfull goodies, but I did manage to throw together a quick preview video of the bubble and h2o furnishings (Aqueous Temptation and the Moving H2o Spray block set.) Savor!

Created By: Niami Denmother

As promised, I accept put together the Oceansfull Preivew. There will be more (video, updated quest tracker) added to it after. Enjoy!

In other news, I found this tidbit on Discord today, and desire to get it recorded here as I have already heard folks doing artistic paraphrasing, and I want to be sure the original wording is not lost. This is in regards to converting mounts into house items, since in that location was a question on the new mount that came out in a new bundle today.

Mounts for the well-nigh function won't catechumen going forward. We'll be adding a place to get new mount appearances for homes and guildhalls in the hereafter.

Created By: Niami Denmother

Oceansfull is now on the Test server, with some utterly lovely new additions this twelvemonth. However, my net was downwards almost of the day today, so delight practice not await a preview writeup until quondam Friday. (Reminder, this is a holiday weekend, and at that place will exist bonus xp on live (not-TLE) servers and bonus status on all servers this weekend, along with a Marketplace sale.

Created Past: Niami Denmother

Lest you retrieve that I have but been hibernating in an exhausted heap as "result season" finally winds down, here is a wait at the final issue of spring, the Beast'r Eggstravaganza that will hit the alive servers in late April. (All right, I take been generally hibernating, but effect season was not quite washed with me.)

Created By: Niami Denmother

Yep, information technology is time again for jubilant mischief, merriment and the Grand Prankster himself, Fizzlethorpe Bristlebane. (Beastlords, call up that you can only tame the exotic were-rabbit and were-bear during this time, equally well every bit stalking the drupe bovoch warder). More than details on the crafting/questing/housing front can be found here.

Created By: Niami Denmother

The observe is VERY brusk, but if there were any last things you wanted to buy from the Against the Elements prelude upshot, at present, immediately, is the time to get information technology. (Furniture, the recipe book...) The Ancient gyre will be moved to Pas Yu (the Days of Summer merchant in SF), but the prelude furniture is going to exist unavailable for purchase after the patch Tuesday (tomorrow) morning, and then catch it now!

Created Past: Niami Denmother

Yes, Brewday is nonetheless running. It was a happy blow, and will be turned off at 11:59 Pacific tonight. Enjoy the extra fourth dimension while yous have it!

Created By: Niami Denmother

Start, the consolidated listing of workarounds and things to avoid until the patch on Tuesday, if you are working on Mischief Managed.

  • If the final of the ten traps will not let you identify anything on it, y'all can work effectually the issue past grouping with someone else who is placing traps, then you can get credit for that last one.
  • Go all four "Forming the ___ Guild" quests together! Hand them in together as well! Failing to do so may issues Jurie until the patch on Tuesday.
  • Convince Hibbie to bring together yous BEFORE y'all convince Jurie.
  • When you get to convince Eifae, innovate yourself, then close out that conversation. Hail her again, and so do the proper path, and the quest will update. If she agrees to go with yous, but the quest did non update, introduce yourself and so try once more.

Opposite to the comments from the forum trolls, who are trying to make this sound similar some great Daybreak conspiracy, bugs happen, especially when lawmaking is touched after the testers are washed with their part (or when players do things in a different fashion than the testers did, such as not grabbing the 4 convince quests in one fell swoop!) Unintended consequences happen, and Gninja has been putting in many long extra hours this weekend helping folks through it until the patch happens on Tuesday. Please, show some pity and patience if you can.

Now, on to stuff I am trying not to whimper about. I know the devs have way as well many assurance in the air, so the brawl was dropped on highlighting this information. I did not fifty-fifty discover out about this achievement until today, and so while I would similar to apologize for the curt notice, it is what it is at this point. :)

There is a house deed that y'all can earn from completing the Fabulous Chronoportals (and PQ) instance, if you can get a group together for the fableds that can meet the resolve requirement. The achievement went in yesterday. Anything you lot did before the patch yesterday will NOT have counted, due to how achievements are worded, and the fact that it slid in under the wire means we were unable to warn folks nearly information technology before this weekend was over. So, if you desire a Kerafyrm house that has TWO unique looks (Sleeper and Awakened), this is how you get it, and y'all will need to end earlier the 31st, or await another year for it.

Created By: Niami Denmother

Since we were unable to test the "convince" stage of the new crafting line (they did not want it spoiled for live), a few bug take cropped upwards. Please pass the discussion that these will be fixed on Tuesday.

Convince Hibbie Earlier Jurie, or you will be stuck on Hibbie until Tuesday

Additionally, if one of the researchers agrees to join the Anchorage, but and then doesn't head off, remember what conversational path you also and redo it again. This volition likewise be fixed Tuesday

Created By: Niami Denmother

Barring whatsoever last-minute problems, the servers should exist coming up soon with Game Update 109 for the live servers, likewise equally the two new servers. It is jump to exist a chip of a crazed twenty-four hours, since it is the 20th Ceremony of EverQuest and and then much is going on across all the Daybreak games because of it. Prep yourself for launch by checking out the GU109 Patch Notes. In addition to the new tradeskill quests and the public tradeskill apprentices, there are a couple other little things chosen out in the patch notes for crafters such as: mount gear patterns stacking to x and plumbing fixtures in harvest depots, more house items stacking in inventory, and a couple furniture merchants with expanded inventory.

The GU109 Crafting stuff turned into four manufactures and three YouTube videos, so if I missed something, I heartily repent and will fix information technology as soon as possible.

To save you some digging for the links:

  • GU109 Brief Overview
  • Mischief Managed Tradeskill Quest Overview
  • GU109 Eye-Processed (Piece of furniture/etc)
  • Master Public Research Listing (not all the same in release order)

Created By: Niami Denmother

Yep, another issue is rumbling around on Exam right now! I'll flesh out the commodity next week, later I recover from the GU tomorrow and then on, but here is at to the lowest degree the eye-candy for you! Bristlebane Mean solar day 2019

Created By: Niami Denmother

Tomorrow marks the 20th anniversary of EverQuest, and EQ2 has several things in shop for the big day. First, of course, is the release of GU109 and the addition of serverwide research assistants (plus a lot of other stuff on the adventuring front). Expect the servers to be back up around 10 a.thou. Pacific tomorrow.

In the meantime, members will enjoy double experience and status from now until the cease of March 21. (Information technology looks like merely double guild status, not double personal status, FYI.)

Two more than videos are up on my youtube channel for the GU109 content now:

  • Vendor-Only Furniture
  • Researched House Items

I am tired. I am less coherent than usual, and grumpy to boot, so await less coherence than usual for a fleck. I WILL exist on Test later today to test out the Bristlebane Day content that just striking there for testing, but may/may not accept a preview washed before the stop of the twenty-four hours due to my brain leaking out my ears from also many events overlapping.

Created By: Niami Denmother

While I had hoped to accept more screenshots, and an item preview video, done past now, I had been waiting on the final beta patch to retest stuff before the Sabbatum release, and, well, the patch was delayed, then the beta server sort of went kablooey. Hopefully, I will be able to swoop back into retesting and so tackle more pics tomorrow. {fingers crossed}

Meanwhile, I have one chip of happy news for Sabbatum. Those many, many mountain patterns that some of us have will stack to 10 in inventory and besides fit in harvest depots afterwards the large GU patch on Sabbatum. Wheee!

Created By: Niami Denmother

Tock discovered that one of the GU109 furniture items was fifty-fifty more than special than we originally thought. While at first nosotros thought the change from a blue-white light on the Beam of Lite particular to a sunlight sort of lite was due to a beta patch changing information technology, information technology turns out that the light changes based on the current Norrathian time. We have the blue-white of moonlight, then greens, pinks and purples at sunrise, then full sunshine, then the greens, pinks and purples at sunset, and so back to moonlight. See for yourself! (Annotation that this item is going to undergo a name modify earlier information technology goes live, only I exercise not have the exact proper noun data yet.)

Created By: Niami Denmother

GU109 will go live on Saturday, March 16. Things are nonetheless being tweaked and updated, and will be correct up until launch time, only I am able to go you some first glimpses of the crafting goodness involved. First comes the GU109 Mischief and Mayhem Quick Overview. Then comes the (yet in-progress) Mischief Managed quest overview that likewise contains more details about the new public tradeskill administration. Last, merely most definitely not to the lowest degree comes what GU109 Furniture that we accept seen and then far (there will be more incoming as the beta progresses.) Enjoy! In one case the beta server is support (ETA Monday night, at the earliest), I will exist working on adding more information.

Created By: Niami Denmother

Some of you lot had heard me mumbling most trying to test three things at once: Chronoportals (which goes live in a few hours), Brewday (which goes alive side by side week), and "something else". I can now tell you that the "something else" is the segment of this annunciation regarding The Anchorage and the one regarding Public Tradeskill Apprentices. We are nevertheless testing away, and I cannot give you more data even so, but I will exist able to once we are closer to the release of the new GU. In the meantime, delight notation the mention that you will need to exist a level 110 crafter with the Scrivener line completed in order to help with the questline and the new apprentices.

Busy decorated! Much mischief itinerant!

Created By: Niami Denmother

I wanted to nudge folks about this at present, equally many have missed the significance of the date. The PVP effect server, the new TLE server and the GU will go live March 16. This is a Saturday folks, and then plan your playtime accordingly! The 16th is a huge 24-hour interval for Daybreak, celebrating the 20th anniversary of EverQuest and a LOT of things are going to exist going on for the Daybreak folks across their diverse games. But once more, from the player side, this will be a Saturday patch, so warn your "weekend warrior" friends that the morn of the 16th may be reanimation.

Created Past: Niami Denmother

The missing art for the "Gilded Statue of Firiona Vie" and the "Kunark Rising" painting has been patched to Test, and is now contained in the Chronoportal commodity, along with some details about the resolve needed for the new level 110 fabled chronoportal instances. There is likewise a downloadable quest tracker bachelor for the event.

Created By: Niami Denmother

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