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  • Frequently Asked Questions

Food cravings are common during pregnancy, and sugar cravings constitute a big role of them. Tin can eating too much carbohydrate during pregnancy harm the baby? In this post, we tell you all about consuming sugar during pregnancy.

Irrespective of whether you are pregnant or not, you should always keep your saccharide intake in check to avoid complications. And so, read on to know how much sugar yous can have during pregnancy and larn about the possible side furnishings of eating excess sugar.

Can You Eat Saccharide While Pregnant?

You can swallow sugar and sugary foods equally long equally it is not in large quantities. Simply if you lot have gestational diabetes, you should exist extra conscientious almost your carbohydrate intake.

Likewise, note that in that location is more than refined carbohydrate in candies, cookies, cakes and soft drinks that provide zero nutrition. If yous are having them oftentimes, then you need to supersede them with healthier options such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables that have natural sugars.

How Much Saccharide Tin can You Safely Consume During Pregnancy?

There are no standard recommendations for sugar consumption during pregnancy. The platonic sugar intake for you depends on your metabolic rate, claret sugar levels, and weight. In any case, it is good to limit the consumption of sugar to 25 grams or less in a day (1).

Tin can Eating Too Much Saccharide In Pregnancy Harm The Baby?

Overeating sugary foods or carbohydrates may take an touch on on the growing baby. Also, excess sugar in the blood due to gestational diabetes or uncontrolled type 2 diabetes tin impairment the infant.

Extra sugar can cross the placenta and increment the fetus' blood sugar levels. This may result in increased insulin production in the baby'due south body and make the baby grow larger, a condition referred to equally macrosomia. Delivering a big baby can lead to complications such equally the need for cesarean department and premature nascency (two).

[Read: Jaggery During Pregnancy]

What Are The Possible Side Effects Of Excess Sugar Consumption?

Excess saccharide adds empty calories and deprives nutrition that you need during pregnancy.

  1. Aggravates pregnancy symptoms: Symptoms such as airsickness, heartburn and mood swings might get worse with backlog carbohydrate intake.
  1. Causes fatigue: Sugary foods provide empty calories and lack nutrition. They contain sucrose, cause a temporary spike in claret carbohydrate, leaving you lethargic and tired.
  1. Leads to nutritional deficiency: Nutrient cravings are normal during pregnancy. Merely if y'all crave sweets more than than other foods, exist conscientious non to overindulge, for sugars add empty calories leading to possible weight gain and food deficiency.
  1. May cause excessive weight gain: Too much of sugar might make you gain unhealthy weight.
  2. Acute fatty liver (AFL): A diet rich in fructose-containing sugars can lead to fatty liver syndrome. It can too impact the fetal metabolism and thus atomic number 82 to obesity or type Ii diabetes later in life (three).
  3. Might increase the chance of preeclampsia: High carbohydrate intake influences the risk of preeclampsia in pregnant women (4).To avoid these possible risks, cutting downwards the sugar intake.

Tips To Reduce Sugar Consumption During Pregnancy

To limit sugar intake:

  1. Limit saccharide-containing foods and snacks. Or, yous tin stop eating refined sugar altogether. If that's non possible, at least cut downwards on cakes, water ice creams, pastries and other snacks with added sugar.
  1. Include sweet fruits every bit much as possible. If yous require for sugars, swallow fruits such as mango, pineapple, and strawberry. Avoid fruit juices as they incorporate excess sugars.

[Read: Sugarcane Juice During Pregnancy]

  1. Avoid bogus sweeteners. Their harmful effects terminal even after pregnancy. Include ameliorate alternatives such as coconut saccharide or love.
  1. Pay attention to ingredients in packaged foods. Know the amount of sugar present in foods such every bit breakfast cereal, peanut butter, sauces and such. Consider only those with low saccharide content.
  1. Exercise not proceed candies, ice creams, cookies or any sugary foods at domicile. Buy them only when you lot want to have something sweet.
  1. Limit your sugar intake or discover alternatives. You can avert excess jam on bread, utilize one teaspoon of sugar instead of two for your tea or java and limit chocolate or water ice cream consumption.

Or, you can just supersede white sugar and bogus sweeteners with healthier alternatives.

Healthy Foods That Lower Claret Sugar In Pregnant Women

Improved diet and practice tin help lower blood carbohydrate levels naturally. Healthy foods you should include in the diet are:

  1. Low-glycemic foods: Include more of low-glycemic index foods such as whole grains, beans, barley, oatmeal, fruits, and vegetables. These have longer to digest and preclude spikes in blood saccharide.
  1. Probiotics: Probiotics are alive, stomach-friendly leaner that promote digestion. They regulate sugar metabolism and maintain blood carbohydrate levels. Natural yogurt is i of the best probiotics you can take (5).
  1. Fiber foods: Insoluble fiber maintains digestive wellness, and soluble fiber improves sugar levels. Oats and legumes have the highest levels of soluble fibers, while insoluble fiber is found in whole wheat foods. Fruits and vegetables comprise both kinds of fiber.
  1. Proteins and healthy fats: Include more lean protein sources such as nuts, eggs, and poultry. Poly peptide controls claret sugar levels, keeps you total and boosts energy. Healthy fats found in nuts, olive oil and avocados as well keep you satiated and prevent craving for unhealthy foods.

Yet got questions near eating saccharide in pregnancy?

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Oftentimes Asked Questions

ane. Tin sugar cause heartburn during pregnancy?

Carbohydrate will non directly crusade heartburn, but it tin can brand your condition worse. Sugar found in sure foods such as chocolate, citrus fruits, peppermint, fatty foods and caffeinated beverages tin trigger heartburn symptoms and should be avoided.

2. Can saccharide crusade diarrhea during pregnancy?

Saccharide doesn't cause diarrhea simply can aggravate it. Avoid high-sugar fruit juices and soft drinks when you already have diarrhea. They depict more water into the stomach and brand diarrhea worse.

3 Tin sugar terminate the pregnancy?

No. Excess sugar consumption can but make y'all nauseous, just it will not terminate the pregnancy.

iv. Is in that location a connection between high blood carbohydrate and autism?

Co-ordinate to research, significant women who had gestational diabetes by the 26th calendar week of pregnancy are 42% more likely to have children with autism. Researchers postulated that exposure of the uterus to high claret sugar would bear on the brain evolution of the baby and increment the risk of developmental disorders (six).

[Read: Custard Apple In Pregnancy]

Sugar tin can be addictive, which is perhaps why you lot cannot stop yourself from having more than one cupcake or donut. You crave for more. And the more you swallow, the higher your blood saccharide can go, which is bad for the pregnancy. Then supercede refined white sugar with natural sugars found in fruits and vegetables to stay safe, good for you and satiated during your pregnancy.

How do you manage your sugar cravings? Tell united states of america about it in the comments section.

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Claudia Wilson is a registered dietitian/ nutritionist, a Board Certified Specialist in Sports Diet (CSSD), and a Certified Force and Workout Specialist (CSCS). She founded ALL of Nutrition and authored I-2 PUNCH. She holds a BS in Public Wellness and an MS in Nutrition. Claudia spent ten years every bit sports nutritionist for the Academy of Utah Athletic Department and in... more

Rebecca is a pregnancy writer and editor with a passion for delivering enquiry-based and engaging content in areas of fertility, pregnancy, nascency, and mail-pregnancy. She has been into health and wellness writing since 2010. She received her graduate degree in Biotechnology and Genetics from Loyola University, Osmania University and obtained a certification in 'Nutrition and Lifestyle in Pregnancy' from Ludwig... more