Chapter 1:

 Lemon, Grapes, and Pestle and mortar.

 Normal log, Magic log, and free energy potions.

  1. To beginning the quest, speak to King Narnode Shareen. He will tell yous that Glough has managed to escape in spite of the guards at his house, and inquire you to investigate the situation there.

    Location 1

  2. Go to Glough's firm: Climb up the ladder just east of the entrance ramp to the Grand Tree. Climb up the tree at the east terminate of the floor, and then investigate the co-operative pointing north. You'll find a handkerchief, which you lot should investigate farther to find the embroidered initials A.A.


  3. If yous've recently done Monkey Madness, you may remember that Glough'due south girlfriend Anita has such initials. Go back down the tree(Do Not enter the trap door in Glough's firm, or you'll discover yourself in a harmless but annoying dungeon with no way support. If you lot do this accidentally, you can run w and north to attain the ladder under the King.), downward the ladder, w past the Grand Tree, and further northwest until you reach the ladder to Anita'due south house. Climb upward and you'll find Anita crying well-nigh Glough. Ask her what's wrong, and she'll confide that she'southward worried Glough may be disloyal to her, equally she heard voices whispering upstairs in his house. Then cull "He might be in problem, I could help" and she'll tell you lot that there'south another level in Glough's house, which you should investigate.


  4. Return to Glough'south house and climb up the tree, so upwards the northern branch once more. Search the fire remains to uncover a mysterious note. Investigate the gnome statue to unlock the cupboard, then search the cupboard to notice the "volume of spyology." Read through it and it volition mention a method to reveal text on a document encrypted with spycraft. Search the crates in the northward-due west corner for a castor.

    Fire Remains


  5. Now you need to uncover the message on the mysterious annotation: With the note in your inventory, utilize a pestle and mortar on a lemon (Don't swallow the lemon!) and yous'll use lemon juice to the note. Then use the mysterious note on Glough's table of candles. (If you're afraid the candles might not exist hot plenty, yous can investigate them first to determine that they indeed are hot. Besides if you forgot the lemon and are not around Glough's identify anymore, you tin utilise any lit candle on the annotation instead if you and so choose.) Next, utilize the pestle and mortar on the grapes to make an interesting sort of paint. Finally, use the juice-coated brush on the mysterious note to unmask the text. Read the resulting scrawled note, a bunch of gnomish gibberish.


  6. Return to King Narnode and tell him of your findings. He'll advise y'all use the translation book from Monkey Madness I. When that proves bereft, as many of the words are missing, the King suggests speaking to the volume'south author, Anita. Get back to Anita's business firm and ask her to translate the notes, then return to the king.

    King Narnode

  7. The message indicates that Glough and somebody else from the stronghold take gone somewhere. With this in mind, Rex Narnode will recall that the but travel agent recently replaced was Le Smith. He'll instruct yous to investigate Le Smith's disappearance to decide where he and Glough might accept gone.

    Assistant Lori

  8. Talk to Banana Lori only southwest of the ladder to Glough'due south house, and ask her who she is. She'll tell y'all that she was assigned by Auguste on Entrana, and you lot should speak to him for more information. Travel to Entrana, (The fastest style would be that airship yous're standing nether if you brought a normal log. Bring a magic log for the return journeying, likewise.) and speak to Auguste. He'll tell you that the previous balloon assistant in the Gnome Stronghold hasn't shown since he'd been taught a new balloon route – the route to Ape Atoll. Render to King Narnode with this data. The rex will declare a state of emergency, and gild you, as a fellow member of the 10th Squad, to written report to Sergeant Garkor on Ape Atoll for farther orders.


Affiliate 2:

 M'speak amulet, Ninja (either size) or Ancient gorilla greegree, low-cal source, Pickaxe, Pocketknife, Stiff tanking gear along with Loftier level food (Tanking path only).

 Strong Weapon and Armor, Super antipoison potions, Brews/Restores, Prayer potions, and Ape Atoll Teleport tablets or runes/assistant.

  1. Travel to Ape Atoll (teleport or Daero > Waydar > Lumdo) and caput speak to Garkor outside the east wall of Awowogei building on the east side of the island. He'll enquire you to ask Awowogei virtually his armed forces plans.
  2. Enter Awowogei building by talking to the guard. Equip an advisable greegree (Ninja or Aboriginal gorilla) and enquire Awowogei nigh his military plans. He will refuse to speak to anyone who isn't kruk, and order yous to remind Kruk that he was supposed to report to the male monarch. Report back to Garkor, who will social club you to kill Kruk and make a greegree from his remains.
  3. Now y'all need to find Kruk. Kruk was supposed to be stationed on the west loma overlooking the archway to the monkey city, and so become out there and talk to the monkey with the talk option. Ask him well-nigh Kruk's whereabouts, and he'll tell y'all at that place's simply one way off the hill, and that's where y'all should start looking. At the lesser of the hill yous'll at present run across some tracks like to those constitute in kebbit hunting. There's nothing to search, though: Just follow the tracks till yous reach a trapdoor. The trapdoor is one foursquare south of a tree just south of the northern transport icon, where a new glider will exist available later the quest.

    Alarm: Exercise non underestimate the dungeon. Information technology's filled with 130+ monsters which volition striking very consistently. Set up accordingly, and proceed your health high and advisable prayers ready at all times.

  4. Investigate the trapdoor and enter the dungeon. The dungeon entrance is outside the range of Zooknock powers, so you lot'll automatically unequip your greegree as y'all enter. If your inventory is total, it will be dropped on the floor. Equip your weapon and pick upwards the greegree.
  5. Kruk is located in the room east of the room north past the monkey bars. You won't be active enough to climb the monkey bars until subsequently when you have Kruk'due south greegree, and then yous'll take to become one of the long ways, and deal with traps, obstacles, and monsters forth the style.
  6. Head south. Notice, merely do not enter, the hole in the floor with a vine coming out of it. Go along south until you see some dodgy ground to the due east.
  7. Now you make the choice: Do you use the tanking method or the agility method? If y'all have higher combat stats and skilful tanking gear or lower agility, the tanking method will probably be significantly faster and less annoying for yous. If y'all have high agility, at least lxx, and lower combat stats or worse gear, you might want to choose the agility method to avert most of the multicombat. It'southward really up to yous. Kruk's Maze Dungeon:
    • The Agility Method: Caput east toward the dodgy ground. Follow the due south border of the dodgy ground, and so become a little flake north, so west, and so north, then east to the side by side room. You lot should exist walking only on tiles without dark 'X'es crossing them. This obstacle and the residue of the agility dungeon consists of a randomly generated path which is dissimilar for every player. If you pace on an wrong tile or attempt to traverse an wrong obstacle, you'll fall into the dungeon beneath. There volition be swarms of either Maniacal Monkeys (Pray Melee) or Maniacal Monkey Archers (Pray Ranged) attacking you. Run to the appropriate rope (northwest corner in this case) and climb up, and then get back and try the next road or obstacle. Detect that when you lot fall because you're not following your predetermined route, the game channel of the chat box will read "Something about this route feels wrong."

      On your travels through this agility dungeon, you'll notice an expansive dodgy basis room. Carefully follow the path e to get a Bronze Key from the chest. If you're not planning to get all the way through the dungeon without teleporting, you might want to get an extra one or two for afterwards. Continue on the northernmost path and use the bronze key on the door, and so continue through the maze.

      Eventually yous'll come to an open area with 2 paths, take the 1 that is not blocked by a web . Use protect from melee to negate damage from the maniacal monkeys in this area.

    • The Tanking Method: Brand sure you have a pickaxe and a slash weapon or knife. You're going to be running through multicombat tunnels with groups of maniacal monkeys and maniacal monkey archers. Set your quick prayers to Protect from Missiles and Steel Skin, and utilise tanking gear that y'all can afford to lose similar torags.

      Caput southward until you lot accomplish a rope. Don't idle here too long, or yous'll take damage from falling ceiling as in zooknock tunnel. Plough on your range prayer, drink a dose of stamina potion, and climb down the . Drink a dose of stamina potion, and run. You'll be in a maze of spider web-blocked doorways and rockfalls blocking your way. Similar in the agility method, your path is randomly chosen for you lot. When you come up to a fork in the road, choose a direction. If it's the wrong direction, yous'll be told so in the game channel with a bulletin Just follow the path, and height upwards on health, prayer, and stamina as needed.

      At some point along your journey, y'all'll find an area with a few chests in it. Choice one and search it for a key. If it's the wrong one, the game conversation volition suggest that you endeavour the other one. Get the primal and continue in the maze.

      If y'all come upon a dart trap or a spinning blade trap, right click and attempt to disarm it. Depending on your thieving level, this may fail or be impossible. You can definitely get to where you need to become, only if you laissez passer a blades trap that you don't need to pass and and then determine that after by trying to pass a web, you may exist stuck if you take insufficient thieving. If and so, teleport out, make your style back to the dungeon, and don't become that way side by side fourth dimension.

  8. Somewhen you'll reach an area with 2 exits – one without a web to the w, and one crevice or passage to the south. That's where your friends who chose the agility method will join you – switch your prayer to melee and go all the way w.

    At this indicate in that location are two agility obstacles, a ledge to the west, and pillars to the southward. Cull one. If it doesn't work, yous'll autumn into the dungeon below. Run northeast and climb the rope. If the game aqueduct reads "Something about this route feels wrong," choose the other obstruction. Continue through the maze.

    Eventually you'll reach the end of the dungeon and a wall which you can investigate to unlock a shortcut dorsum to Kruk's lair. If you die or want to bank it's useful, but one time y'all kill Kruk it won't matter anymore. If your road took you on the ledge to the west, the wall is located before the terminal "dodgy ground" obstacle. The eastern route wall is located before the entrance to Kruk's lair.

  9. Kruk can exist very difficult to kill. The lair is instanced,If you die, you lot lose any unprotected items, and it is impossible to return and pick them upward.
  10. Enter Kruk's lair. After some short dialog – turn on protect from missiles and set on Kruk. He can hit upward to 33, so proceed your health significantly higher than that.

    Strategy: If necessary, it is possible to lure Kruk into a corner where you can stand without him beingness able to striking yous. Then you lot can run out one spot, get 1 hitting on him, and run dorsum to your safe spot. Equally shortly as his health bar disappears, become for one more assault, and repeat. If you time this right, you tin can avoid getting striking at all.

  11. Once Kruk is dead, investigate his corpse to receive his paw. Exit the dungeon and become a monkey talisman from the monkey child in the northern center of the city.Don't let the monkey's aunt run across y'all. Tell the monkey child that yous've lost the toy. Let him cry a few minutes or just hop to some other world and ask him to lend yous his new one immediately.
  12. Take the monkey talisman and kruk'southward mitt to zooknock. Zooknock tin can be plant at the end of the tunnel from Monkey Madness I, just westward of lumdo at the southeast corner of Ape Atoll. Most people will call back this tunnel as the standard chinning/bursting spot. Bring a stamina potion, some food, and a serpentine helm or antipoison potion to make the trek easier. Zooknock will exchange the monkey talisman and Kruk'due south paw for a Kruk monkey greegree with a little disclaimer that he doesn't know what result a greegree from as powerful a monkey equally kruk may have on y'all.
  13. One sure effect of this powerful new greegree is an audience with the monkey rex: Wield your new Greegree and speak with Male monarch Awowogei. Enquire him nigh the armed forces plans, and he will mention an alliance with some troll generals. Study this back to Garkor.

Chapter 3:

 20 coins, combat equipment, lots of food, 6 Complimentary Inventory spaces, Hammer, and Chisel.

 Prayer potion(s), Stamina Potions, and Ranged weapons for lower levels.

  1. Garkor will instruct you to put an cease to those troll alliances, simply no self-respecting troll general volition listen to a homo who hasn't proven himself in mortal combat. That leaves you with i option.
  2. Head to the troll stronghold. Enter and walk s to the door on the western wall and enter. Talk to troll general Kob near his alliance with the monkeys, and then challenge him to a deathmatch. Pray melee and tank his hits(He can hit through prayer) or safe spot behind the door and range him until he's almost dead and he will concur not to assistance the monkeys.
  3. The other general is an ogre, Keef. Caput over to Gu'Tanoth and enter, post-obit the path until you get to a broken bridge. Attempt to jump across, and the guard volition need 20 coins from you lot. Pay him and jump across to meet Keef. Challenge him like you did Kob and fight him, protecting from melee. Again, he can hit a bit through prayer, then exist prepared to heal. Practise non underestimate either full general! Once he's almost dead, Keef too will concur to call off the monkey brotherhood in render for his life. Return to Garkor and update him on your success.
  4. Garkor will ship you on your next assignment – Search for and find Le Smith. Le Smith can be found somewhere on Ape Atoll on the rooftops or other high places. Mutual spots are:
    • On the span between the ii watchtowers at the urban center gate.
    • 3rd floor in a higher place the jail
    • Third floor next to the rune stall (must search the southeastern most crate in the building due due east of the rune stall for a dungeon entrance to reach this edifice).
    • 3rd floor of the broken building side by side to the monkey child/aunt. (climb ladder on the north wall of the building to commencement).
  5. Speak with Le Smith, who will mention nonchalantly that he's not wearing his amulet of monkeyspeak, bold that you don't understand. Tell him that the male monarch sent y'all to check on his progress, and he volition mention that ships are being manufactured at the west side of the island. Report back to Garkor, who volition send you to investigate and sabotage the ship's.
  6. Head to the west side of the isle, merely north of the urban center entrance. Make certain you're holding the Kruk monkey greegree and ask the monkey to accept you lot to the platform.
  7. You lot're now tasked with solving a patrolling monkey puzzle. In some means this is like to the guarded goutweed in the Troll Stronghold or the Osman's Squ'rk at Sorceress's Garden, but this is a slightly more than complicated three story maze. You can't but get to the other side, you lot have to get to the other side, collect half-dozen satchels, fill them with explosives from another point in the maze, and then bind them to six weak points throughout the maze. All this while avoiding the monkey guards patrolling along the style.
  8. There are three types of walkable tiles in this maze:
    1. "Red" tiles are dangerous. If you lot stand on these tiles at the incorrect moment, a monkey guard will meet you and knock yous off the platform. If this happens, y'all'll lose any explosives y'all may have acquired thus far. Almost tiles along the path are "red" tiles.
    2. "Green" tiles are safe. You can stand on these indefinitely with no risk of being noticed past the monkey guards. It'due south worth noting that the tile on which y'all climb upward or downward a ladder from will ALWAYS be "green," so at that place'southward plenty of fourth dimension to watch the patrols before you make your movement when you lot attain a new level.
    3. "Yellow" tiles are rubber or dangerous depending on the direction of the relevant monkey guard. For instance, a particular spot may be safe because the northbound monkey guard turns left to keep along his path. Merely once he turns around, he will see the same spot on his fashion s. These are the least mutual, but important to empathize and utilize properly.
  9. As y'all traverse the platform maze, be careful! The monkey guards tin see three/four spaces in front of them, and they'll gladly toss you off the platform! E'er brand certain y'all have run energy this is where the stamina potions come up into play, and carefully time your running from i "dark-green" zone to the adjacent so that no monkey sees you. Always learn the road of the surrounding monkeys before y'all move to the next spot.

    Note: Getting caught brings you dorsum to the start of the airship platform, by the boat. It does not reset your progress in laying explosives, only any satchels you are still property will be emptied in the water, and y'all'll have to get dorsum to refill them before standing.

  10. With this in mind, follow the platform all the mode due south, eastward, north, west, and north. Then go east, but don't climb up the ladder. Get all the way south instead. Notice the first nook on the correct of this southern path is a "yellow" expanse – the guard will catch you lot as he goes south, so don't hang around at that place till so! So go east and climb up the ladder once. Next, go s, west, and climb down the ladder. Then go east and north and have six satchels.
  11. At present you lot need to go explosives: Get back south, west, climb up, go east, then north, and then climb downward the ladder once. Make your way dorsum west, then northward, to that ladder yous passed earlier. Climb upwardly, then go eastward, south a fiddling flake to climb down the ladder, north, and west. Make full up all 6 satchels.
  12. Now you lot need to place the vi charges at the weak spots effectually the platform. There are many means to do this, but hither is 1 possibility: From the explosives spawn:
    1. East, southward but a little and climb up, and then southward all the fashion and utilize an explosive-laden satchel on the croaky floorboards.
    2. N, west, down, south a little bit and into the eastern area – Apply an explosive satchel on the cracked pipes.
    3. Due south, E, Up twice. South, Use an explosive satchel on the cracked floorboards.
    4. Due north, Westward, North. Use an explosive satchel on the gas canister.
    5. South, Due east, Downwards once. W, swing across the gap using the hanging vine. Further w (sentinel out for "xanthous" areas), north, east. Use an explosive satchel on the gas canister.
    6. W, southward until east, east, swing beyond hanging vine, east, down. West, due north, w, south, eastward, downwardly a bit and west to the last floorboard.
  13. Regardless of the lodge you chose, once y'all've placed the concluding satchel successfully, walk into a cerise zone and get caught for a quick and easy shortcut dorsum to the gunkhole. Use the boat to return to Ape Atoll. The platform will rumble exist destroyed as you leave. Report this to Garkor.
  14. Your next sabotaging mission is to terminate Glough from mutating armies of gorillas. Enter the trapdoor to Kruk's Dungeon, and then caput north to the monkey bars. Concur Kruk's greegree and cross the monkey confined. You'll find yourself in the room to the w of the room in which you fought Kruk. Enter the northern passage and then the building therein. Mountain the demonic gorilla on the property expanse to the due east, and become downstairs. After a short cutscene, glough volition social club you to subdue 3 tortured gorillas who've managed to go out of their cages. Pray protect from melee and assault each tortured gorilla until information technology is restored to its cage.
  15. Unmount your gorilla by using the property pad. If you didn't bring a hammer and chisel, search the boxes for these tools. So get up the stairs and to the northern side of the room. Tamper with the device, and receive a black gem. Use the chisel on the gem to get a deconstructed onyx. Put the precious stone back in the device.
  16. Investigate the incubation sleeping accommodation in the southeast to confirm that the tortured minions have been corrupted. Report your findings back to Garkor, who volition tell you to study to King Awowogei that his plans have been foiled. Disguised as Kruk, practice and so. A cutscene will occur in which Glough somehow has managed to prepare an attack anyway, and is apparently heading toward the stronghold.

Affiliate four:

 Potent equipment for two attack way, Brews/Restores, or proficient nutrient.

 Prayer and Super combat potions.

  1. Head to the thou tree and update Rex Narnode on the situation. He'll ask you to recruit Nieve, the best warrior around, and defend the stronghold. Speak to Nieve and get her to help yous. She'll phone call in Steve to concur her mail service while she'due south gone, and follow you. A cutscene will show the shadow of glough'south airship passing overhead. It's loaded with tortured gorillas and headed straight for the grand tree… Just then the Glough and Le smith lose control of their passengers, and the airship makes a crash landing just north of the grand tree. Nieve will advise investigating the attack site. Head north northwest toward the crash site, killing four tortured gorillas forth the style.
  2. Speak to Garkor, at present stationed merely northwest of the Yard Tree at the entrance to the crash site. He'll order you to investigate the crash site and cease Glough in one case and for all.

    Notation: The crash site cavern is also instanced, and so don't bring anything you can't afford to lose!

  3. Laissez passer through the gate to the north and run northeast by several tortured gorillas. Enter the cavern and you'll see a cutscene. Glough, not besides surprised to see y'all, unleashes some tortured monkeys on y'all to finish y'all off.
  4. Immediately subsequently the cutscene you'll be attacked past two tortured gorillas. One time you lot've killed 1 of the tortured gorillas, ignore the others and focus on the demonic gorilla which will join the fight. The demonic gorillas are far more dangerous than the tortured. With 380 hp, all iii attack styles, and protection prayers, defeating them can be quite difficult. Pray according to their attack: protect melee for melee attacks, protect from missiles for their white ranged attack, and protect from magic for their green magic attack. Whenever the demonic gorilla starts protecting against the assault way yous are using, switch styles. Also, avoid standing in the same place for too long – if you lot see a boulder falling, move, or you'll probable take 20+ damage from information technology.

    If you lot're a lower leveled player, you might want to let Nieve deal with the gorillas for y'all. Fight until she starts attacking one of the gorillas, then run out of the room and hide out of range. Once information technology'due south dead, attack another 1 until she starts helping, then run and hide. Whenever her target demonic gorilla protects from melee, you'll accept to range or mage it till it switches prayers, and so hibernate once more.

  5. Cease off the 2 demonic gorillas, and Glough volition have had enough. His monkeys having failed him, Glough volition potable the mutagen and gain an immense corporeality of elevation and power. In his initial flare-up of anger, he sends Nieve flying to the wall of the cave, where a bedrock immediately lands and crushes her to expiry. Her elysian spirit shield appears on the ground, ignore it.

    Note: If yous demand to banking company, you lot tin can teleport out now and come dorsum.

Chapter 5:

 Stiff equipment for 2 assail styles, Brews/Restores, or skillful food

 Prayer, Super combat potions, and Toxic Blowpipe for safe spots.

  1. Equally yous fight Glough and his health deteriorates, he will bash open a passage to further caverns and retreat to it.
  2. In the get-go room, you can safespot Glough from the passage using ranged or magic. When his health is diminished a scrap and he retreats, follow him to the second room, praying Protect from Range. This will significantly lessen the damage done by his stomping set on.
  3. Once his health goes down a bit more, Glough will fustigate his way through the hall to a third and final room. Switch to melee prayer and follow him. Without protect from melee on, he can hit up to 66 by throwing you at the wall of the cave. Keep your health high!!! When he throws you against the wall before he does switch from Protect from Melee to Protect from Magic while in the air to take no or close to no damage., take advantage of the fourth dimension running back towards him to restore some wellness. Be sure to switch dorsum to Protect from Melee before running dorsum!

    Strategy: If yous're a lower leveled player and your melee isn't significantly stronger than your ranged, it may be wise to use the toxic blowpipe instead, protecting from magic and quickly moving away from him or praying melee when he teleports you to him.

  4. Once you've managed to get Glough downwards to 0 health, the cave will milk shake and start collapsing. Sensing the intense energy in the caves, the 10th team volition teleport you out. Y'all'll find yourself explaining the situation to King Narnode. He'll thank you lot and promise to invite you when Awowogei comes, which he immediately does. Awowogei will thanks for your aid and allow yous gratis passage on Ape Atoll without the apply of a greegree.

    Congratulations! Quest completed!

    Quest completion

    Boosted advantage:
    Speak to Duke on the hill eastward of the entrance for 100k combat xp in the skill of your pick.