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Fear Me Mortal I Am the Essence of Divine Art

Many accept pondered almost the pregnant of life. What is the significant of life? This is the age erstwhile question that we all struggle with at different stages in our fourth dimension on Earth.

Some think that the meaning is to learn, some to practise righteous deeds, others to heal.

Some unfortunately recollect the meaning of life is establish in how far yous advance in a career or how much money you lot brand and things you own.

What I have found in my meditations with the Creator is that the meaning of life is to search for the truth nigh our existence, to learn while we are on this swell search, and to advance our souls through the joys and trial that we encounter in life. In short; the significant of life is to seek God.


What does this mean? Merely put, information technology means that you must strive to understand the very reason you are here on Earth, why yous are born to the parents you take, in the social condition y'all have, with the disadvantages and advantages that you take. Because understanding why you are here and have been dealt the cards you have, will ultimately reveal the goal that you are trying to achieve in the advancement of your soul.

Yes, Yes, you are trying to accelerate your soul. Even if you are not consciously aware of this, information technology's happening right now.

Y'all meet, God created you. Why? Because He is pure Beloved. Love is a creative force. When He created you lot, He made you a function of Himself. You are a part of God, but you are not specifically THE God, the Supreme Beingness.
And because you are merely a piece of Him, you cannot fully understand all that actually makes upwardly the essence of what Supreme God is. He is not a person or a thing. He is a level of consciousness, a vibration higher than anything we can experience as we are made. Your soul WANTS to know. Your soul longs to be closer to your Creator.

Just as a baby cries for information technology's Female parent, you are crying for the comfort of your God.
Just as a baby will reach out to a Mother; you are doing so.
Just as a child volition work hard to please information technology's parents and feel their affection; you are doing so.

Your soul is advancing out of love for it's Creator.

This is why you lot are searching.


Nosotros accelerate our souls continually. Learning does non stop, even when we shed mortal grade and go into the Light. We nevertheless are learning.

You know how we acquire here on Earth? It'due south through experiences! Things that we experience are profound: decease, love, joy, hurting, anger, hatred, happiness, sadness, satisfaction....the list can go on for days. How can you experience these things without a world to experience in? Y'all can even so learn without a torso, simply the depth of the experience is not every bit profound, and the learning is not as satisfying.

The world has the perfect phase for you to experience all these things! Mostly because God created information technology that manner!
Information technology's His "little school for the soul."
Earlier you came to Earth, your soul decided what information technology would similar to learn. Then when you were born into the physical, everything was already set into identify by God and His Angels. This is the path! Yous chose it!
You may enquire...why would anyone chose to be hurt or deformed, or get to jail or be a drug addict?
Well, the answer to that lies within the soul that is experiencing that life. Their soul knows exactly why they chose it. It's the lesson that they knew they would demand to acquire to advance.

It's difficult to go through all the trials that nosotros practise, let alone do it with grace and dignity. That'south why we have Angels to assist us. They are the placidity voices in our head, telling us not to give upward; in that location is hope; at that place is always a way; y'all are loved.

When yous are in the thick of things, and all is lost, that's when it's almost incommunicable to think that this was something we chose to do. But if you recall well-nigh it now, you might exist able to see that it gives new promise. It's a confirmation that we are not "doomed, bad seeds, rejected past God, cursed, marked for failure" considering these trials were designed to make us become avant-garde.

At that place is dazzler, even in these trials. Learning, Growth,  and Advocacy, with the goal of experiencing a greater amount of God'due south love, is the ultimate beauty.
