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Why Fall Is the Best Season Funny

From changing leaves to fond memories, Autumn is Carrie'south favorite season.

Just in case the reasons weren't obvious to you already.

Just in case the reasons weren't obvious to you lot already.

Fall is my favorite season. Who doesn't savour observing the leaves from the trees and plants changing into multi-colored works of art earlier finally falling away? The bare and vulnerable branches that are created reveal the truthful and cute scenery underneath. At that place are many reasons why I love fall and why I think it'southward the best flavor, simply hither are but a few.

The Trees Change Colour

In the southern part of the United states, all the seasons are very apparent. The leap season is very green, the summer is very hot, the winter is very cold and the fall is total of magnificent colors.

The maple trees are specially vibrant with colors of red and golden-yellow and combinations of both. When I was younger, we called them "tree stars," a reference to the motion-picture show The Land Earlier Fourth dimension. To this twenty-four hour period, they are my favorite trees when the flavour changes.

This season is perfect for taking beautiful breathtaking photos and spending fourth dimension outdoors. Cypher can relax and rejuvenate you more than enjoying nature and its surrounding scenery.

The Weather Is Perfect

Autumn is the "cooling off" calendar month right betwixt the blazing summer and chilling winter. When the cooler temperatures of autumn outset rolling in, saying goodbye to summer is not difficult to exercise. Autumn is a great time to interruption out the jackets, coats, boots, scarves and hats in preparation for the modify in season.

It's also the perfect time to start making hot cocoa and lighting a burn in the fireplace. This flavour creates the perfect setting for a sense of comfort, warmth and reflection.

It'southward also great fourth dimension to become camping ground or fishing or take a road trip or annihilation else where you tin can spend quality time with family while eating good nutrient.

The Lord's day Hangs Depression in the Early Morning

While 4:00 pm sunsets aren't everyone's cup of tea, daylight savings fourth dimension offers stunning views of the sun in the sky during daybreak. The glitter of frost or pelting from the night before is always a cute sight. Did I mention how perfect the lighting is for the all-important selfie after that early on morning run? And who didn't enjoy that actress hour of residuum on the first morning of daylight savings?

Fall Is Full of Family Holidays

Autumn is a part of of the jam-packed vacation season. In that location'southward the dorsum-to-schoolhouse rush, Halloween, and Thanksgiving before rolling into winter and Christmas. And these aren't just regular old holidays. These are all very involved, family-centered holidays.

Fall is the season to be thankful and to be surrounded by the people you lot dear. It's the perfect fourth dimension to alter up your decorations by adding orange, scarlet and yellow colors and to pull out the spice-scented candles.

The holiday season encourages you lot to spend time thinking about what y'all and your family accept been through in the last twelvemonth as well as the memories you've made together while looking forrard to a new and exciting year.

Another reason I love the holidays is the food. You'll generally eat far better food during this flavour than yous will during the rest of the twelvemonth.

During the fall you can expect to see your favorite stores load up their inventory with themes related to this time of year. Everything from pumpkin-flavored pies and Starbucks drinks to apple tree ciders and new fragrances and wearing apparel hit the shelves. Below are a few fall essentials that you shouldn't be caught without.

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Must-Take Fall Shopping Essentials

  • Flannel Shirts. Although they exhibit year-round versatility, flannels are a fall staple.
  • Lotion. Cold weather means dry skin. Counter the elements with yummy, seasonal scents.
  • Soup. When is there a better fourth dimension of yr to eat soup (also winter)?
  • Cold Atmospheric condition Boots. Everyone needs a get-to pair of boots that are not only stylish, simply tin can tackle any ice, rain, or chilly conditions.

Items on Disbelieve in the Fall

Whether stores are attempting to articulate inventory for new models or get rid of items that were essential during summer, autumn provides an opportunity to salvage big on the post-obit purchases:

  • Sunglasses
  • Appliances
  • Patio Piece of furniture
  • Cars
  • Denim
Fall means sweaters, flannels, and warm beverages.

Autumn ways sweaters, flannels, and warm beverages.

Some of the Worst Things Nearly Autumn

What'south the good without the bad? Both autumn-lovers and haters alike tin can agree on these points most the worst things that the autumn flavor brings . . .

  • Shorter days. Feeling like it'southward 9:00 pm at 5:00 pm isn't all that it is cracked out to be.
  • The influx of scary movies. At least the new Halloween film bankrupt records.
  • Layering. You like being cozy and arranged up, you lot say. But what about the extra laundry?
  • Raking leaves. Someone out there feels my hurting on this one.
  • Wintertime creeps in. And of a sudden it'due south freezing.

Profound Symbolism Associated With Fall

Underneath the surface of all the obvious reasons we love fall prevarication those more than subtle associations rooted in science, ancient tradition and astrology.

  • Balance. The Fall Equinox represents the balance betwixt the seasons too as the residual between calorie-free and dark. Fall provides an opportunity for us to residuum ourself with our earth.
  • Change. In tandem with spring, fall is a part of a beautiful cycle of loss, regeneration and regrowth. The dead leaves and branches on the ground disintegrate and get part of the soil, interim as seeds and fertilizer afterward once the cold welcomes the warmer conditions.
  • Conservation. Farmers and critters alike piece of work tirelessly during this time of year to protect the basic necessities of life. We as people also piece of work to preserve our comfy abodes like the animals practise with their hibernation spaces.
Fall is all about getting cozy with a good book in hand.

Fall is all about getting cozy with a good book in hand.

Autumn Brings Back Memories

Fall was my mother's favorite season. Every year it creates a alluvion of memories when it rolls around, reminding me of the beautiful person she was.

Her demeanor changed when the atmospheric condition started getting cooler, equally she would spend more and more fourth dimension outdoors. She had a sense of peace and thankfulness that I hope to convey to those around me.

Of course, we all have different memories scattered throughout unlike parts of the twelvemonth, but it seems like those colorful memories from fall can exist relived the truest.

"The Mist and All" (A Autumn Poem)

I like the autumn,
The mist & all.
I like the nighttime owl's
Solitary call
And wailing sound
Of current of air effectually.

I like the gray
November day,
And bare, dead boughs
That coldly sway
Confronting my pane.
I like the rain.

I like to sit down
And express mirth at information technology
And tend
My cozy fire a scrap.
I like the fall
The mist and all.

—Dixie Willson

My female parent used to quote this poem all the fourth dimension, but fifty-fifty more so when autumn was in full swing. It's one of the many things I learned from her when I was young—that poems have a style of capturing your soul and uncovering a deeper connectedness within yourself.

Autumn Season Quotes

  • "Autumn is a 2nd spring when every leaf is a flower." —Albert Camus
  • "Autumn . . . the year's terminal, loveliest smile." —William Cullen Bryant
  • "Winter is an carving, spring a watercolor, summer an oil painting and autumn a mosaic of them all." —Stanley Horowitz
  • "Delicious fall! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would wing about the earth seeking the successive autumns." —George Eliot
  • "Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall." —F. Scott Fitzgerald

© 2011 Carrie Smith

Petite Instructor on November 29, 2019:

I love the following 5 things about autumn

Anjali Singh Bhardwaj on February 28, 2019:

autumn has a special feeling that no other season have

Sam on November 22, 2018:

I love this season BCZ it is beautiful

Abdul on Nov 21, 2018:

Information technology's a expert idea I'm easy ,

james on Nov 03, 2018:

I like autumn because for me it' has the most comfortable weather for jogging. The temperature is not too hot likewise cold.And I savor the gentle breeze equally I jog in the park.

JAVAD on Oct 29, 2018:

Very good,autumn is male monarch season

Jazzy on October fifteen, 2018:

Bully essay!

Priya on Oct 12, 2018:

I just dear autumn flavour

donald trumpy on October 02, 2018:

yor paragraph is litty

Kathy Bui on Baronial 21, 2018:

There are many beautiful days in Autumn. Trees change color, and the weather is non also hot but non besides common cold. The leaves begin to fall from the trees, the birds leave, and there seems to be a kind of sadness in the air. It is non a happy season like spring. Autumn is a sad season, but I always like information technology. It is my favorite season.

fag on June 05, 2018:

thx now i tin can exercise my speesh

zozo on Apr 29, 2018:

It help me practice my h.w and it actually nice essa6

Abdul Moeed on April 11, 2018:

The essay is magnificent !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anam on March 12, 2018:

Fantastic ....

EliteEric on Oct 11, 2017:

I agree with Ane

Jack Meser on Oct 11, 2017:

eh ameliorate than wintertime

Edward Bean on Oct xi, 2017:

I love fall!!!! rawr XD

Harambe on September 15, 2017:

Better than the spring.

Princess on July 05, 2017:

Fall is also my favorite flavor because you tin stay inside and snuggle. You can go to bed at 7pm without hearing whatever noise. It gets dark earlier. The common cold represents the warmer season. The leaves are also very beautiful and colorful.

Ayushi on April 24, 2017:

Nice flavor

Tenzin on February 24, 2017:

Wonderful essay

crystal mangual on September 28, 2016:

Permit me just tell you lot I LOVE how y'all wrote this. And you are right fall is the best season ever. Autumn is definetly the almost wonderful time of the year!! :)

niky on August 04, 2016:

amazing story

Tigana Bryan on November 24, 2015:

And don't forget the crawly autumn makeup trends! Matte dark lipstick, winged liner, and matte foundation!!! (I might vesture that all year round lol)

Tharushi on September 26, 2015:

autumn is my favourite season.i love it very much as i can.i write a book most autumn too.your essay also very beautiful every bit existent sense of the word.adept bye.

Katharine L Sparrow from Massachusetts, Usa on September fifteen, 2014:

I live in the Northeast U.S., so summer is my favorite fourth dimension of yr. Generally not too hot here all summertime long. In September I go all melancholy and it's hard to avert feelings of depression. However, I exercise agree that the scenery is exquisite and it's a good time to do outdoor things earlier the cold of winter sets in. I absolutely LOVED the poem your Mom taught you! Going to keep that one! Keen hub!

i on May 30, 2014:

no way bound is a hell of a lot better

gia on April 12, 2014:

best season of the world.I love fall .I like the beauty of autumn .


Carrie Smith (author) from Dallas, Texas on Feb 12, 2012:

Thank you for the wonderful comments! I love this season :)

Linda Bilyeu from Orlando, FL on December 04, 2011:

We don't have much of a Fall in FL so I appreciate the photos and this hub! Up/Awesome/Cute:)

icciev from Kuwait on October fourteen, 2011:

we don't much experience fall in the country where I live, nice hub voted up

David Stillwell from Sacramento, California on October 14, 2011:

ah... applecsmith! I idea nearly you and this hub today. I got to drive through the Napa Valley today on my way to Cobb Mount. The grapes in the valley are all starting to turn their winter colors... only the maples on the manner to Cobb were in crawly display. Great hub!

Carrie Smith (author) from Dallas, Texas on October 14, 2011:

Thank you for the amazing comments. I'm glad that even though some of you might not live in this area of the country, you still benefit from it'southward beauty.

Admiral - so glad you understood my reference to "tree stars" :)

Admiral_Joraxx from Philippines on October 14, 2011:

Fantabulous post! Indeed fall is a slap-up flavor, I wish I can experience this someday, as there'southward no autumn in our country.=) Hey Applecsmith, I'm also a groovy fan and follower of The State Before Fourth dimension and their favorite "Tree stars". Information technology was a great pic. 1 vote upwards and beautiful.

Aceblogs from India on October 14, 2011:

Autumn flavor has e'er proven out to exist all-time for me for past 7 years . Hope this story continues for me in time to come also. Very nicely explained hub. Images out there are very colorful and and then total of life. Thanks

tailgatingguru from Atlanta, GA on October 09, 2011:

Cute! It is absolutely the best!

Don A. Hoglund from Wisconsin Rapids on October 08, 2011:

I've always like fall.When I was immature I did outside stuff like paint the house.

A.CreativeThinker on October 08, 2011:

To one who loves creativity and art, this season seams to come up alive with it's beauty. All seasons have something unique almost them simply the Jump and Autumn can be very colorful. Lovely photos. Voted Upward! Take Care :)



jean2011 from Canada on October 06, 2011:

I besides like the comfy temperatures, and yes the lovely colours of leaves. Peachy for moving picture taking. I voted this hub beatiful. Thanks for sharing!

TattooKitty from Hawaii on October 05, 2011:

I concord- autumn is the all-time season! I've ever been enchanted by the dazzler of the leaves changing color. Yet, living in Hawaii, I've never been able to experience it in person. Definitely on my bucket list! Beautiful hub ;)

Om Paramapoonya on Oct 05, 2011:

Lovely hub. I grew upwards in Thailand where nearly copse are evergreen. The get-go year I moved to the U.Southward., I was really amazed to see a bunch of copse changing color. :)

Aeron Wright on October 05, 2011:

Great photos! I beloved autumn too as there are then many peachy celebrations around and the weather is just perfect, neither also cold nor too hot.

RTalloni on October 04, 2011:

Yes! Bravo on this autumn flavour essay! :) To take i's mother quote such a poem--how lovely! Cute hub in every style--thank yous for sharing it with us. Voted upwards.

I like all the seasons, each for their own beauties, but fall is special for all the reasons you write almost.

Carrie Smith (author) from Dallas, Texas on October 04, 2011:

Thank you for the bully comments. I promise everyone gets the opportunity to see the fall season in East Texas sometime in their life. It's breathtaking!

Kristin Trapp from Illinois on September 29, 2011:

The colors in that first photograph are merely magnificient. I hope our trees are that colorful this year in IL. Autumn is hands-downwards my favorite season.

Peggy Woods from Houston, Texas on September 29, 2011:

The trees don't show as much color downwards here every bit they do up n...but it is however a beautiful fourth dimension of twelvemonth. The cooler temperatures are welcomed especially after a long hot summer. You have given some great reasons why it is your favorite fourth dimension of year and I'1000 sure that many people will agree.

katrinasui on September 27, 2011:

I love Fall! You have explained the topic very well.

Marisa Hammond Olivares from Texas on September 22, 2011:

Cute images! Fall is so colorful - wish we could experience it in South Texas :(

Carrie Smith (author) from Dallas, Texas on September 22, 2011:

I couldn't concur more! Shopping flavor reaches it's peak during the fall and Black Friday deals are fantastic.

I enjoy the smells, sounds and tastes of autumn so much. Reading all these great comments has made my day, thanks a agglomeration.

MonetteforJack from Tuckerton, NJ on September 22, 2011:

Fall is definitely my favorite season. It is the nigh comfortable weather for me. The winds are just right and the air is scented with falling leaves and earthy pumpkins and squash. Similar you, I love the maple tree turn vividly in hues of muted yellows and reds. Materially, I look forrard to this season because this is the fourth dimension of the year that I truly shop for next year'southward summer stuff and other things on Black Fridays. Similar you, the fall is the showtime of frequent family unit gatherings. Withal, information technology is relaxing ... The scent of coffee brewing is more intoxicating at this time, so with hot cocoa, served with a fleck of peppermint and mini-marshmallows. I likewise dear Autumn because of Thanksgiving. This is a scenic hub, I could go along and on why I beloved Fall. Thanks!

cardelean from Michigan on September 21, 2011:

Fall is definitely the near beautiful season. I love the compensation that fall provides for united states in addition to the cute leaves. Cheers for sharing such wonderful thoughts about fall.

AmandaJoy on September 21, 2011:

Fall is my favorite season besides! I live in California, and then the color change may not exist as brilliant equally in another places, but I still dear it. I have always wanted to get visit back east where I take heard the fall colors are truly gorgeous.

Dave Mathews from Northward YORK,ONTARIO,CANADA on September 21, 2011:

Autumn is my favorite flavour too. Not just for all the beauty in color, but too for the fact that autums is harvest fourth dimension for many of our farm produce and fruits.

SJmorningsun25 on September 21, 2011:

I love fall, too! Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

Carrie Smith (author) from Dallas, Texas on September 21, 2011:

It's so overnice to hear that everyone else loves the fall flavor like I practice. Information technology's a great time to take photos, enjoy the weather and reminisce.

I almost love bound as much equally fall, but not quite. Thank you for the great comments.

inaniLoquence from Singapore on September xx, 2011:

Autumn is absolutely beautiful. Unfortunately, we don't have it here in Southeast Asia. Instead, we enjoy/endure rainy and dry seasons throughout the yr. It's the tropical paradise but it would exist fantastic to experience the Autumn months!

Victoria Lynn from Arkansas, Usa on September 20, 2011:

I exercise recall autumn is beautiful, but I vacillate between it and leap as my favorite flavour. Fall reminds me that winter is coming, and I loathe winter. Spring gives me hope that warmer, brighter days are coming. Withal, the colors of autumn are incredible. And the poem is adorable. Very nice hub! I voted many things on this one!

ignugent17 on September 20, 2011:

I agree Fall is the best flavour not also hot and not too cold. My hubby loves information technology also. The thing that I actually don't like is the dominicus goes down early and I can't bask more the temperature outside , melt outs and wait at nature at its best. I still love Fall second to Spring, then Summer last is Winter. Your pictures are very beautiful thank you.

marellen on September 20, 2011:

I also wrote a hub on this same field of study. Information technology seems to be almost everyones favorite. Dear you pics and article. I could just experience your excitement. Enjoy.....

Sciborgs from New York on September twenty, 2011:

Prissy pictures used! Autumn is hands my favorite season, beautiful scenery, that perfect "not to hot, not to cold weather", and, of course, Halloween is in the Fall, love Halloween!

JS Matthew from Massachusetts, USA on September 20, 2011:

Autumn is my favorite flavour! I got my camera ready this yr and waiting for the leaves to alter, and then I can publish a Photo Journeying! I am lucky to live in New England! Groovy Hub! Voting up and sharing!


Mamadrama from Upstate NY on September 20, 2011:

Best Season Always!! I love Autumn!

flagostomos on September 20, 2011:

I hear you. I absolute love autumn as well. Something about it reminds me of simpler times, dorsum when I was a kid and Fall meant going dorsum to school. My favorite is Sat afternoon, when the sunday is starting to head under the horizon and the afternoon heaven feels hazy. It's similar bright but not bright at the aforementioned time. The air smells well-baked and life just comes to a stand still.

But to exist honest with you I dear all the seasons for unlike reasons.

David Stillwell from Sacramento, California on September 20, 2011:

I love the Autumn months. I relish the way the copse alter and the weather condition tin can be warm and absurd at the same fourth dimension. The heaven is full of geese and clouds and the air current is a flutter with all that nature must do to prepare for wintertime. A really great hub Applecsmith! very well written and full of wisdom.

andrewwilliams63 on September xx, 2011:

When the sun is out Fall is beautiful, unfortunately that doesn't happen much in the UK!
