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How to Get Rid of Swollen Feet Naturally

Swollen feet is a common problem, especially after a long tiring day, when you take off your shoes and notice that your feet have literally doubled up due and finding a quick fix for that becomes difficult. well, fret not we have found some amazing remedies to cure swollen feet.
This painless swelling is quite common and can happen to anyone, but is most common among pregnant women. If you too get swollen feet quite often, it's best to keep some home remedies in mind. The swelling is caused when excess fluids accumulate in the feet. Finding out the reason behind the swelling is more important as it can be caused due to numerous reasons, which includes ill-fitting shoes, wearing high heels all day, desk-bound lifestyle, sport injuries, obesity and infections among other things.

Swollen Feet

If you get swollen feet quite often, it's best to get it checked by a professional because it might be a sign of serious health problems but if it's not due to any serious medical problem, home remedies can become your saving grace.
Try out these home remedies and see which one's best for you!

Compression Socks
The best remedy is to prevent the swelling from happening in the first place. Compression socks are super helpful for this. These socks provide compression, as the name states and prevent body fluids to accumulate in your feet. The blood in your feet gets a boost and it circulates well, thus, helping ease the pain and ache in your feet. Wear these socks whenever you're out and it is most ideal to wear it in the morning and take off in the evening.

Epsom Salt
This home remedy is the best and most common one. It's been used for centuries to cure all types of pains and can be found in any drug store near your house. Soak your feet in a tub filled with water and Epsom for 15-20 minutes. This salt contains magnesium sulphate which, when dissolved in water, gets into your body through the skin and relieves pain and swelling. It also relaxes your body which leads to an increase in the blood flow. Good blood circulation can help you avoid swollen feet in the future.

Weight loss
People who are overweight or suffer from obesity often get swollen feet. It's because of the pressure that their feet in under, therefore it is important to reduce the blood circulation in that area. The strain on the feet along with bad blood flow can lead to swelling. A good BMI should be maintained, so consult your doctor and take a journey towards healthy weight loss to avoid recurrent swollen feet among other problems.

Contrast Bath Therapy
For this remedy, all you need is water. For your swollen feet, contrast bath therapy is done by immersing the feet in a tub of hot water (not boiling). Soak for 10 minutes and quickly switch to cold water and soak for another 10 minutes. Lastly, switch back to the hot water and soak for 5 more minutes. The contrast in temperatures helps in dilating and contacting the blood vessels which results in smoother and better blood circulation and relieving you from swollen feet.

Soaking feet

Baking Soda and Rice Water
Both these ingredients are okay for swollen feet on their own, but a blend of these two can relieve your swelling instantly. You can either prepare a bucket with these two ingredients or make a paste with their mixture. Use them for 15-20 minutes to relieve swollen feet. The baking soda provides the anti-inflammatory properties that help in bringing down the inflammation and also relives the pain; The rice water sponges up the fluid accumulation in the feet. Together, they stimulate the blood circulation, thereby helping alleviate the swelling.

Lemon Water
Drinking lemon water every day can help eradicate the chances of getting swollen feet all together as it flushes out the toxins and the excess fluid present in the body. The excess fluid is flushed out so the risk of getting swollen feet is out the window.

Cinnamon and lemons

This overnight soothing sensation to mitigate swollen feet is great for pregnant women as they can't help but deflect the possibility of getting them and suffer for longer duration. Create a paste with cinnamon, lemon, milk and olive oil and apply a generous layer over your swollen feet. Leave it overnight to soothe the pain and swelling. The lemon, cinnamon and olive oil have anti-inflammatory properties along with many other benefits and the overnight application helps the skin soak up all these beneficial properties. It eases the pain, brings down the swelling while nourishing the skin.


You must have heard that they are great for your swollen eyes, but did you know that they can also provide relief to your swollen feet? The name cucumber rings a soothing bell in our minds and for all the right reasons. Since drinking water is one of the ways to help reduce the chances of getting swollen feet and cucumbers are 90% water, they are an obvious relief method. Other than the water content, cucumbers also have antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. It helps flush out the excess fluids, thus, reducing the swelling. Other than increasing your fluid intake with the cucumbers, one way to use it is to cut slices and place them on the swollen area and lightly wrap a bandage over it to keep them in place. You can also extract cucumber juice and apply them to the swollen feet.

Follow these to have a Happy Feet!

How to Get Rid of Swollen Feet Naturally
